Struggle for Courage to Believe
Consumed by the Light, Ayala Museum, Dec 96


H:29.5cm   W: 13cm  D: 10cm

Weight: 1.3 kilos

Color: waterclear with lilac cast

Struggle for Courage to Believe

Reeling from pain. Losing my mind.
Too weak to get up. Exhausted.

The rantings have ceased.
The tears have dried up.
Lost my grip on everything.
I've been wrong.

Desperate for something to make
the nightmares of life go away.
What can I hang onto that really, really works?
God, can You hear me? God, will You help me?

He is infinitely more interested in my life
than I or anyone could possibly be.

He is able to do immeasurably more
than all I ask or imagine according to His power
that is at work within us.


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